Cool Open Source Games you should contribute to


Cool Open Source Games you should contribute to

While the popular conception when it comes to games for Linux is that they are almost non-existent, this is only true when it comes to big and popular commercial franchises that are backed up by giant video game studios and publishers like EA Games, Blizzard and Konami. On the other hand, Linux(and other platforms like *BSD) benefits from a myriad of open source and free games, some smaller for casual gaming and others more impressive like MMORPG’s and FPS’s that could compete with some of the commercial games out there in their branch either in the current state or given some fresh amount of contribution. Open source games are a convoluted topic and are somewhat special and unlike a traditional Open Source project because they require much more then code contribution, which foss minded hackers and geeks are eager to contribute anytime during the day.

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